Serving in Church



Sompting Community Church is about far more than our Sunday meetings. SCC is about being a community of grace working together throughout the week. However, Sundays are a key time for us as a community. In the same way that eating together as a family helps the relational bonds, so meeting regularly together as a church helps us grow together.

Sundays don’t just happen. We have teams of dedicated people who work together to make our Sunday meetings a great time for all ages. From setting up, serving refreshment, great worship leading, to amazing youth and children’s work. Our philosophy has always been that at SCC everyone does something to ensure that someone is not trying to do everything.

We recommend anyone new to SCC spends their first six months enjoying the services, getting to know the church and making friends before seeking to serve.

Once this period of settlement has passed, we would encourage people to discuss Church Membership and opportunities to serve within the church with one of the leaders, or the minister. They will help you to discern your gifting and strengths.

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